Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php on line 164 Cesta z města do zapomenuté země - Kontakty Warning: html_entity_decode(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/libraries/nextend2/nextend/library/libraries/helpers/html.php on line 244
Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/templates/cesta11/html/mod_finder/default.php on line 20
Warning: html_entity_decode(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/libraries/cms/html/email.php on line 118
Warning: html_entity_decode(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/libraries/cms/html/email.php on line 118
Warning: html_entity_decode(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/libraries/cms/html/email.php on line 118
Warning: html_entity_decode(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/libraries/cms/html/email.php on line 118
Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/plugins/content/social2s/features/social.php on line 28
Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/plugins/content/social2s/features/opengraph.php on line 255
Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/plugins/content/social2s/features/opengraph.php on line 278
Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/plugins/content/social2s/features/opengraph.php on line 304
Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/plugins/content/social2s/features/opengraph.php on line 307
Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `g $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string.
* @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string.
* @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run.
* @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot
* @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client
* @since 1.0
*/' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/components/com_content/views/article/view.html.php on line 206
Cesta z města o.s. Nežichov 8 364 01 Toužim IČ: 270 57 020 DIČ: CZ270 57 020 Bankovní spojení: ČSOB Toužim číslo účtu: 213607279/0300 e-mail: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. www.cestazmesta.cz Kamila Prchalová: 602 414 884 Ing. Jiří Šindelář: 736 642 792
Pobočka: Infocentrum Toužim nám. Jiřího z Poděbrad 35 364 01 Toužim tel: 353 226 431 e:mail – Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. www.infotouzim.cz IČ: 27057020 Lenka Lejčková: 732 921 051 Ing.Ivana Květoňová: 604 258 219 Bohuslav Prchal: 607 437 802
OTEVÍRACÍ DOBA út - so: 9:00 – 17:00 neděle, pondělí: zavřeno
LETNÍ OTEVÍRACÍ DOBA od 1. července do 31. srpna út - so: 9:00 – 18:00 neděle, pondělí: zavřeno