Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `read array $encodings The priority order detected accepted encodings for the client. * @property-read string $userAgent The web client's user agent string. * @property-read string $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string. * @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string. * @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run. * @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot * @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client * * @since 1.0 */' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php on line 164
Cesta z města do zapomenuté země - Stezka ovčí babičky


Aktivní dovolená


Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `read array $encodings The priority order detected accepted encodings for the client. * @property-read string $userAgent The web client's user agent string. * @property-read string $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string. * @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string. * @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run. * @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot * @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client * * @since 1.0 */' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/templates/cesta11/html/mod_finder/default.php on line 20


Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `read array $encodings The priority order detected accepted encodings for the client. * @property-read string $userAgent The web client's user agent string. * @property-read string $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string. * @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string. * @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run. * @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot * @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client * * @since 1.0 */' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/plugins/content/social2s/features/social.php on line 28

Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `read array $encodings The priority order detected accepted encodings for the client. * @property-read string $userAgent The web client's user agent string. * @property-read string $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string. * @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string. * @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run. * @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot * @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client * * @since 1.0 */' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/plugins/content/social2s/features/opengraph.php on line 255

Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `read array $encodings The priority order detected accepted encodings for the client. * @property-read string $userAgent The web client's user agent string. * @property-read string $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string. * @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string. * @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run. * @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot * @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client * * @since 1.0 */' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/plugins/content/social2s/features/opengraph.php on line 278

Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `read array $encodings The priority order detected accepted encodings for the client. * @property-read string $userAgent The web client's user agent string. * @property-read string $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string. * @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string. * @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run. * @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot * @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client * * @since 1.0 */' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/plugins/content/social2s/features/opengraph.php on line 304

Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `read array $encodings The priority order detected accepted encodings for the client. * @property-read string $userAgent The web client's user agent string. * @property-read string $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string. * @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string. * @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run. * @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot * @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client * * @since 1.0 */' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/plugins/content/social2s/features/opengraph.php on line 307

Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset `read array $encodings The priority order detected accepted encodings for the client. * @property-read string $userAgent The web client's user agent string. * @property-read string $acceptEncoding The web client's accepted encoding string. * @property-read string $acceptLanguage The web client's accepted languages string. * @property-read array $detection An array of flags determining whether or not a detection routine has been run. * @property-read boolean $robot True if the web client is a robot * @property-read array $headers An array of all headers sent by client * * @since 1.0 */' not supported, assuming utf-8 in /usr/local/hosting/home/cestazmesta.cz/web/www/components/com_content/views/article/view.html.php on line 206


Nenáročná a bezpečná cyklotrasa pro celou rodinu. Provázet nás bude ovečka, které se budeme celou cestu držet.
Trasa začíná na Náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad v Toužimi. Odsud vede totožně s cyklotrasou č. 2232 a modrou turistickou značkou
až k vlakovému nádraží.
Zde trasa uhýbá vlevo a dál vede po cyklotrase č. 2232 a zelené turistické značce přes obec Políkno až do obce Dolní Luhov.
Zelená turistická značka uhýbá vpravo a po ní se vydáme i my. Asi po dvou kilometrech podjedeme hlavní silnici a dorazíme do obce Třebouň. Před kaplí Panny Marie Bolestné uhneme ostře doleva a proti směru značené Skokovské stezky vyrazíme k Nežichovu.
Trasa nás vede k hlavní silnici ale my včas uhneme vpravo a po lučních a lesních cestách dojedeme k obci Nežichov, kde se nakratičko napojujeme na cyklotrasu č. 2233. V křižovatce však uhneme doprava a vystoupáme pár desítek metrů až k biofamě Belina. A tady je náš cíl. www.biofarmabelina.cz



www.touzim.cz  www.becovskabotanicka.cz  www.krajzivychvod.cz  www.skoky.eu  www.biofarmabelina.cz